
Chapter 11: Moving to Toranto

It was already November, so in order to not miss out further, fuoco insisted that her exam should be taken as soon as possible.

Mr. Victor was not in favour of it, but when the girl explained to him that she was preparing from past few days and felt confident now,he agreed.

Mr. Victor had a word with the management of the University and the exam was scheduled after two days.

He booked the flight tickets for both Mrs. Wade and Fuoco, as he didn't felt it right to sent the young girl all by herself when she was in such a situation.

Initially, he had planned of going with them but had to attend to his wife as she was not well from past few days. 

The distance between Toranto and Thunder bay wasn't much, if someone chose a plane. It was an hour's flight, so, the return tickets were booked for the same day. 

After two days, Fuoco was traveling to Toronto with Mrs. Wade. They were going to the airport to board their flight, when Fuoco felt she was being FOLLOWED by SOMEONE!.

 Actually, it was not just today....but since the day she returned from the hospital, she always felt as if she is being watched over. 

Fuoco was not a fool to doubt her sixth sense. So, she became more alert. She kept looking around from time to time but never found anything!

 It was an hour long flight and they landed in Toranto city!

After having their lunch at a restaurant near the airport, they headed for the University.

While, they were on their way Mrs.Wade informed Mr. Victor about their safe arrival and that now they were heading towards the University in a cab.

When they reached the university, Fuoco was surprised to see the campus....It was indeed a huge place that was worth being called expensive! 

It was a big campus.... atleast it was her first time to see an educational institute so vast and wide-spread! She wanted to explore more but surpressed her curiosity....she had to first focus on getting admission here.

 Fuoco was actually planning something else....she knew the cost of studying at a big University like this... won't be low and she was in no mood to take financial help from either Mr. Victor or Mrs.Wade.

She was planning to enroll in the university...but.....on full scholarship!

Both of them, headed towards the University office, where they were received by the head of the University , himself. 

He was an old man in his late 50's with silver hairs and an healthy appetite. He was wearing a semi-formal attire.

 He welcomed both Mrs. Wade and Fuoco with warmth. 

After having a few words with them,he directly asked Fuoco , " Are you ready for your exam, young lady?

To this Fuoco nodded her head and asked " Sir, I am ready but i wanted to ask something from you, Can I?

The University head nodded in affirmation. Fuoco asked " Sir, if I showed an outstanding performance in the exam... is there any chance of getting a full scholarship?

The university head was surprised by her Question, he was aware about her condition as told by Mr. Victor. In such a case it was almost impossible for her to even pass the exam and here she was, hoping for surpassing the highest score? He thought may be she was under the effect of medicines, that's why she was day- dreaming. After all, she was so beautiful and didn't they say beautiful girls are usually dumb!

The University head smiled and said" Yes, if you could score more than an aggregate of ninety five percent, we will give you full scholarship"

To this Fuoco's eyes sparkled with confidence, she had initially assumed it to be more.... ninety five percent was still an easy target for her!

The university head said it just for fun....he was sure the girl would not be able to even pass the exam with a better score......he thought the girl was not in her right mindset , so, he was just playing along as he didn't wanted to demoralize her.

He took Fuoco to an examination hall, while Mrs. Wade was asked to wait at the office.

After entering the examination hall, Fuoco saw there was a panel of Eight teacher's sitting there. A vacant seat was placed in front of them with a table having some blank sheet, a question paper and some stationary items on it.

She greeted them politely and begin with her written exam. After the written exam was over, it was time for her oral exam. But,it was hardly a matter of two hours for Fuoco to finish both of them.

All the teacher's sitting in the panel including the University head were impressed by her command on her subjects. She had given all the answers correct in her oral exam.

When the result of her written exam came, all the teacher's including the university head were not surprised or impressed, infact they were......shocked!!!!

She had scores ninty eight percent! was it that easy for her?

Were they dreaming?

Was this girl for real?

She was definitely a genius!

As expected, Fuoco got admission in the university with full scholarship!

When Mrs. Wade told this to Mr. Victor, he also couldn't believe his ears...Was this girl even human ?

It was such a pity that her family never turned up to claim her!!!! They were at such a losss

.... because this young girl....

She was a gem!!!

After the exam, the University head himself showed Fuoco, the University campus. Fuoco liked the campus,  but out of everything she was too impressed with the library!

They had such a huge library on!!!

It was Saturday and the university was closed, that was why no student was visible in the vicinity...except for one or two. It was especially for Fuoco's exam that they were there.

The University head advised Fuoco to joined her classes from Monday. She had to cover a lot as she was joining mid-Session. 

He also informed her that the mid- session evaluation would begun after two weeks.

After bidding adieu to the University head, Mrs. Wade and Fuoco boarded their flight in the evening and came back to Thunder bay. 

On the way home, Mrs. Wade was quite confused... everything was happening so fast that she was not being able to digest it.

She didn't knew what to say....she was feeling worried but avoided discussing anything with  Fuoco!

Mrs. Wade didn't want to take away this golden opportunity from the young girl, she was finally getting things organized in her life. She even got admission to a renowned University on full Scholarship. What else would a parent ask for, other then his child's success and happiness.

She knew it, if she mentioned that she was not happy, fuoco won't go...and she would never want that! 

Her hardwork shouldn't go in vain!

That day, they ate outside at a restaurant near their house to celebrate Fuoco's first achievement.

Afterwards, they went home quickly and went to bed early. The following day was going to be a busy one again! 

The next day, Mrs wade took Fuoco for shopping and brought all the necessary required items, that she felt she might need.

Although, Mr. Andrews had called-up and informed Mrs. Wade that she didn't had to worry much about Fuoco's stay there, but who can stop a mother from worrying about her child?

MIA ANDREWS, the daughter of Dr.Andrews was  also a first year student of the same University. She was staying in an apartment near the University. When Dr. Andrews got to know about Fuoco's wish to persue her higher education from Mr. Victor, it was he who had suggested him about that University.

He also told his daughter about FUOCO and she was more than happy to share her apartment with her. Who would not want a friend in an unknown city, after all?

SO, in the evening that same day....Fuoco was traveling to Toranto again....but this time... alone!!!

She looked at the phone, in her hand....It was a gift from Mrs. Wade, and she took promise from her that she will call her atleast once...... Everyday! 

Fuoco knew Mrs. Wade was too attached to her, and she was not happy...she was just showing that she was happy for her sake!

Fuoco promised herself, whatever will be the outcome of her battle towards the end....She will make sure Mrs. Wade gets to live a peaceful and comfortable life ahead.

Thinking about the battle...once again the images of her family members started revolving in front of her eyes...and her heart was filled with strong desire to take revenge from the culprits who were still unknown to her!!!

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