
Kiss on cheek


           ||Hardie Morrison||

Every thing seems to be in a haste as the minute and hour hand keep skipping faster than expected.

Nothing of special happened in the last three days, just some minor challenges I'm having with my shipped goods. All thanks to Lincoln since he has his own way of solving them with out any problem.

And my arm seems to be healing faster with just plaster on it. I haven't heard from Vladimir since our last meeting but I'm not really bothered about him.

And yes, I'll be paying another cunning and flirty visit on my precious little pawn today. I need her to fall deeper and unconsciously into my trap till she'll be stranded and have no where to go or any one to run to.

And Gareth, I haven't get much information about him. Yes, I don't need to focus more on Jamel and spare Gareth out of it. They both offer me the deal and they should both face the consequence right?

To me, Gareth doesn't seem like he's really active in the game. If he isn't, then why did he sign it in the first place? Maybe something is off and I haven't notice yet which I really need to figure out soon.

Or maybe I should tell Lincoln to dig in more information about Gareth, that will do.


Its almost night and there she is on her usual spot, waiting for a  cab or maybe partially for me too. I hopped down from my car and walk to her.

"Happy to see me, princess?" I smiled revealing my dental.

She turned reluctantly, to face me. I could read the hidden smile in her eyes as she tried hard not to blush. "I didn't get to see you in the last two days, I was mad at you but on second thought I was thinking some thing bad happened to you." She pouts, wearing a childish frown.

"You should know I'm always busy, that's why." I replied casually.

"Those two days, I wish I know where you reside. I would have pay you a surprise visit." She added still pouting.

"You wan' know where I stay?" I asked and she gave a curt nod. "I switched between houses, I don't have a permanent home I resides."

"I won't mind if you decide to show me all." She smile and I raised  my brows.

"Huh …?"

"What?" She asked with Innocence. "Oh, I'm asking much, right?"

I kept mute, not giving her a reply. I can't bring her where I reside and beside she's just a pawn in my game who shouldn't know a thing about me.

"Fine then, you shouldn't show me all. Your most visited house will do, I might be lucky to find you there when ever I decide to pay you a surprise visit." Her face was full of life as she utter those words.

"You really like paying people a surprise visit, huh?" I asked with a small smirk.

"Not people, ahh. Just Jamel and maybe I'll be doing same to you too, if you don't mind. Or do you?" She keep gushing out her words.

All I could do was gawked at her in silence, she's really of a different specie. She is just this type who doesn't seems to have any challenges or problems she is facing. Sadly enough, I might get to be her problem soon.


"You aren't saying a thing, Hardie?" She frowned lightly.

"Sorry, I zoned out that's why." I said plainly and she creased her brow like she's curious to knowing why I'm zoned out. "I was thinking about the dirty things I wan' do with y... uuh, never mind."

"Wh …" She wanted to say some thing but shut her mouth.

"You wan' say some thing to protest, huh?" I said with a grin. "Oh, you want to know the dirty things I wan' do and with who?"

"Ahh, not at all. Its your decision, you can do all want you wan' do." She rushed her words like she' was forced to.

"And you don't care to know?" I pressed on.

"No, why will I?" She said, avoiding my gaze.

"Why do I have the feelings that you are lying?" I asked but she only gave me a weird look. "Never mind."

"Can we go now?" She asked in a voice barely escaping a whisper.

"Hmm, sure." I winked at her.


She was busy fondling with her fingers in the car as her stare was outside. I was starting to think some thing is bothering her or maybe not.

"You wan' go somewhere?" I asked, breaking her thought.

"I don't think I want to, just take me home." She replied with out sparing me a glance.

"Fine then." I shrugged and added to the car's speed. I'm a bit sure she's used to the death speed I used in driving and I was right cause she didn't freak out.

Then some thing struck me, I recalled what Lincoln told me and slowed down.

"You stay with Jamel now?"

She turned her head abruptly with a surprise stare. "How do you know, I didn't recall telling you about it."

"I'm Hardie, remember. And I always have my ways on anything." I replied with a lopsided smirk.

"Yeah, right." She shrugged. "I've been staying with my brother for four days now."


"Why?" She creased her brow.

"I mean, why did you leave your home. You had a fight with her?"

"Oh! Not at all, mom traveled and she doesn't want me to stay alone. So she asked me to reside with Jamel for sometime."

"I guess the night is still young." I muttered.

"Young for…?"

"Oops. That wasn't suppose to be loud." I chuckled. "A nearby park will do?"

"We won't stay long, right?" She asked and I nodded. "Alright."

I speed up and in no time, we arrived at the park. "What you want." I asked immediately we hopped out of the car.

"I want… that." She pointed at the cotton candy not to far from us with a wide smile.

We strutted towards the vendor and she collect two. "Want one?" She grinned, offering me one from it.

"I don't take things like this, they are for kids." I replied flatly. "Here." I dropped few dollars for the candy and gently dragged her away.

"Slow down, I want ice cream today." She said with her mouth stuffed with candy.

I groaned inwardly and stopped before the ice cream vendor.

"I want three. Chocolate flavour." She squeaked. "My hands are full, give it to him."

"Wh…" I wanted to protest but keep my cool. I collected the creams and paid for them. "Anything else?"

She shook her head sideways. "Let seat here."

I didn't argue or say a thing as we sat down. I watched her quietly as she was eating on the candy, she look like a kid that way and I couldn't help but chuckle.

 She finished the both candy in no time. "My ice cream?" I gave them to her. "Thanks for helping with my babies."

Babies? And she's eating the ice cream?

"You said babies?"


"And you eating them? Who eat their babies, huh?"

"I guess Arlin does, these are my delicious babies." She grinned and continue her thing.

"Its been long I visit the park. Why? Because I love coming here with Jamel to have fun until he turned eighteen and rarely stay at home. Mom is always a busy person, so no one to take me out." She muttered after a long silence.

"Oh!" I mouthed unsure of what to say.

"But I'm glad I'm here with someone. Thank you." She smiled and did the surprising.

I froze as she gave me a quick kiss on my left cheek. "H huh…?"

"Ahh, it's nothing. I always do the same to Jamel when ever he bring me to the park." She uttered freely like it's a daily routine for her.

I said nothing but sigh. This girl! I don't know what I should classify her with.

"Are you angry?"

"Why did you think I am."

"Cause you are not saying any thing. I'm sorry, I won't do that again, I was only excited." She mumbled, staring down at her fingers.

I sigh at her childish behaviour and grabbed her hand gently. "Let 's get you home. Its late already..."

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