
She doesn't have to die


||Arlington Arlington||

The room was not just a normal room, but its better than having no where to rest. The interior decor was simple but amazing and it was designed with my favourite color, which is blue.

I guess this is not the time to get mesmerized by the room decor or how normal or big it is. How do I escape the hell that is soon to come my way? That should be my first priority before any thing else.

I sighed realizing that I'm trapped here, maybe for ever? Who knows?

The food I was served for dinner does not suit my current worth in Hardie's mansion. Yes, I never knew I would be served one of my favourite and it's way too much for me to finish.

Staring down at the food, I tried convincing myself with so many words.

"Maybe he does not mean those words he utter, he might just want to scare me..."

"Maybe he's playing pranks on me just to see my reaction..."

But the look on his face was real and threatening, what if he does mean every of them?

Then what's gon' be my f
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