

I cling to Quinn like my life depends on him. He guides me in the opposite direction I earlier came in. At the furthest end, there's is a private elevator that takes us to the basement where his car is parked.

I break the silence even though I know he won't answer me. "How did you find me? Are you stalking me?"

"Stalking you?....please" He snorts. "I was with my... Courtney when I saw you. You had fear written all over your face so I followed you." He answers to my surprise.

His red Lamborghini comes to sight.

He unlocks it and turns to face me.

"Get in!" He orders.

"You seriously need to stop ordering me around," I say.

"I can't help it am a Nickel." He grins and opens the door for me.

I try to hide my smile by biting my lip. Quinn releases an involuntarily moan. He bends until we are on the same level. His soft lips are inches apart, I can smell his aftershave. "Stop doing that if you don't want me to take you here like a caveman." He hisses and shuts the door.

I watch him wa
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