
Little Sister

Devika’s POV

“So, did you enjoy today?” While braiding Eva’s hair, I questioned her. It was her first time to go out of the pack and experience city life. Samuel had planned the date with the thought of going outside to be helpful for her situation which definitely worked, I think. The smile sitting on her face and the change in her body language which was speaking of her being happy.

She nodded her head looking at my reflection in the mirror and giving me a widened smile. I felt grateful to see her, after more than a week it has been since she arrived in the pack. It was my first time seeing her contented and happy, especially in the absence of her mate, Samuel. Otherwise, to even seeing her smile is a task and a skill of patience. “Smiling makes you beautiful, keep smiling,” I said tying the ends of her hair.

“Thank you, Luna.” I frowned and chuckled.

“For what?”

She took my hands in her, “For eve-everything.” Not knowing what she was talking about, I waited for her to continue
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