
I don't..

Annie's eyes widened.

She was awestruck. this really happening?..

Is he kis...s.. like kissing her now?...

Her heart softened immediately.

Larry moved in with entangling their tongues despite her not reciprocating.

Tho, Annie did not reciprocate to the kiss but she now one thing!..IT FEELS GREAT!.

He suddenly stopped and moved a little bit away from her so as to access her full face.

"I'm really sorry,pink face. I didn't mean to do that. I'm... I'm sorry..."Larry apologized.

" just kissed me?"

"Yes. And I will do that a million times."he replied.

Annie's heart fluttered and her face turned tomato red.

She looked down, suddenly picking some interest on the floor.

Larry studies her then later,he raised up her head making her to look at him.

Annie mouth opened partly when she saw a tear roll down his pretty face.

She moved his hand to his face and cleaned it with her thumb.

"How come you're crying?"she questioned.

"Because of you. Because you won't listen to my sorry."L
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