
I know where they are


"Annie!"Garry yelled as he shook her vigorously.

What the hell????

He panicked greatly as he saw her body all pale.


He quickly bent over to her to resuscitate her through the method of 'mouth to mouth'.

He shut his eyes tightly.

Larry would probably kill him if he get to know he kiss his girl.

His lips were now glazing through hers and he sighed deeply.

Alright,you got this, Garry!.

Ready to claim her lips in his, Annie suddenly coughed.


She coughed again and her eyes shot opened.

"Wha.... what .... doing....."she stuttered.

Garry lifted his face up and cleared his throat.

" nearly died!."Garry sighed.

"Yeah, because of your foolishness. You shouldn't have stuff the cloth on face but on my mouth instead..gosh, you're really stupid!."she said while trying to get up.

"Woah,"Garry scoffed angrily.

"You're really ungrateful...i...."

"Oh, please,shut it."Annie rolled her eyes.

She thought she was speaking with Larry.

Garry breathed out a rough breat
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