
I like you too,but...

Annie blinked her lashes cutely.

Boyd smiled and stepped back.

"Go in."he mouthed.

Annie nodded and walked inside the hotel still thinking about what happened some while ago on her way to the room.

He kissed her forehead?, why would he even do that?.


She should have...gggg......

She opened the door and walked in.

"I didn't know you've really become so cheap. Poor ugly slut,the name never leave you,hun?. You go around sleeping with boys like a slut!. What I'm I even saying?, you're a slut and nothing else. Was I expecting you would have changed?,damn me,man!"Larry said brusquely.

"What?"she scoffed.

"What did you..."

"I mean you're a slut and will always be one!"he yelled out angrily.

Annie stepped closer to him and stared at his face before giving him a slap on his cheek.

"Watch what you say to me,young man. You don't talk to me anyhow."Annie fumed.

Larry scoffed.

"Did you just slapped me?"

"And i will do that again,you bozo!. What in the hell do you take me for?, do you think I
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