
50. Helplessness

"Maybe we exist to bleed, maybe we exist to burn"

~ Unknon

I gauge Madam Guilia's face, she seems different, even though the hateful expression is still present on her face but something has changed and I can't put my finger on it.

"You won't shut up will you?" Senior Capo says annoyed to which she just rolls her eyes.

"I think we should all sit down and discuss this matter in a cordial manner" Lucia pipes in a gentle manner, for once everyone agrees to something.

We all sit around the sofa's, I sit beside Salvatore, Lucia and Capo Giovanni take another sofa while Madam and Senior Capo sit on different sides.

"Salvatore" Senior Capo begins, "I know I have hurt you alot..." Madam snorts tauntingly but everyone ignores her "but that does not mean that I am no longer your father, I am and will be till the end of time, I have full authority over the decisions you choose to make in life" he says firmly.

"And I don't stand with this decision of yours" he eyes me pointedly "you're a Moretti
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