
The Song

Davina’s Pov:-

I placed my hands over my mouth as I stared at her body, her body was lying under the blanket as if she was sleeping but the blanket was covered in blood. My legs began to shake while I was breathing heavily in shock.

“Davina?” Arthur’s voice came from behind me, I turned back and glanced at him with tears filled eyes. He stared at me in confusion while walking towards me, ‘Wha-” he stopped as his eyes landed on Olivia.

“Jesus,” He gasped looking at her in shock,

He immediately pulled his phone out called Miss. Kavanna, “Oh god,” He stared at her while moving towards her body and with shaky hands, he pulled the blanket off her body. I gasped and quickly looked away from her body; blood was coming out of her chest, stomach. She was shot thrice.


The doctor informed us that Olivia’s no more, she’s shot dead. She also informed us that Olivia might have died just a few minutes before I found her. Her aunt and uncle were crying their eyes out, I stood at the corner
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