

Madam Louisiana looked at Omarion that looked like he might be having an anger breakdown soon as he tightened his grip on the innocent door knob.

His eyes turned red in anger at the realization of what was happening. If his parents stay in his house that means limited movement for him and even though he wants to leave right now there is no way he could leave because they would definitely question his movement.

"Shit!" Omarion cursed angrily and Madam Louisiana jerked in fright seeing the man's outburst. She knew he was going to be pissed off at the realization of what his parent's presence meant.

They were going to monitor his movement.

Omarion walked back to his bed angrily and he slumped on it not knowing what to do. Madam Louisiana looked at the devastated boy and her heart could not help but tightened seeing the look on his face.

"You don't have to be so devastated, Omarion I am sure you would have plenty of opportunities to have it out with Lizeth you do not have to be so angry,"
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