

The silence between them thickened, as Isis' mind wandered and tried to picture the incident in her head, to try to see how Omarion must have felt, what it must have been like for him, losing his brother to death in an accident they both were involved in,and worse more, having parents who chose to do nothing but blame him and saddle him with the responsibility of his death, when he himself only survived luckily.

She drew in a long breath and exhaled softly. She now could understand why he panicked back at the office, the realization hit her, and she suddenly just wanted to pull him into her arms and hug him, and tell him he was safe with her, and that he didn't have to worry no more, that she was gonna be there for him irrespective of the circumstance, but, he was up in his room, sleeping.

She glanced casually and caught Madam Louisiana staring at her, and wondered why. She liked her and was thankful she had not waved off her question, when she had asked.

Madam Louisiana sa
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