
Episode 55

Frederick stormed into the room, his eyes blazing with anger. Isabella and Daniel looked up from their conversation, startled by his sudden entrance. He was accompanied by two other werewolves, both of whom were much larger than him. The first one was a massive black wolf with piercing yellow eyes, while the second one was a short wolf with a scar running down his left eye.

Daniel walked up to him, looking surprised.

“What are they doing here?,” he whispered into his ear.

“They are loyal to me!,” he fired at him.

“They shouldn't be here, Frederick. It's a risky path we walk in. They may be loyal to you, but we cannot trust just anyone.”

Pushing him aside, Frederick said, “You are not the one I have come for.” He took a couple of steps towards Isabella, who didn't seem to notice him.

“Be careful what you say,” Daniel warned him from behind.

“Did you see how he made an open show of me?,” Frederick said to her, his voice rising with each word. “Did you see that!?.”

Daniel tried to calm h
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