
34. Myla

He had gone through so much.

That thought weighed heavily on my mind as I watched Zayne from across the room. I had heard snippets of his story, whispers in the corridors, and hushed conversations among colleagues, but hearing it from him felt different. With every sentence that escaped his lips, I felt myself drawn further into his world. The hardships he had endured, the losses he had suffered - they unfolded before me like chapters in a book, each page revealing a deeper layer of his pain.

I listened intently, offering a safe space for his truth to be heard. It was a privilege, to be entrusted with his story, and I couldn't help but admire his courage for sharing it with me. He didn't hold back, exposing his vulnerabilities, the wounds that had yet to heal.

He carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, yet refused to let it crush him, and I'm proud of the person he's becoming.

The room falls silent, all eyes turned toward Zayne, awaiting his words. And I watch as he ta
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