
Guest Room

I enter the guest room and take all of my stuff back to Darius' bedroom.

We have a bet coming.

Finally something to take my mind off of today's conversation with Dad.

I take out my red lace lingerie that I prepared earlier this morning and leave with them to take a shower. I know Darius will be upstairs by the time I finish and I have planned this meticulously.

I shower with a rose scented gel and spray Coco Mademoiselle perfume on the tip of my neck hook and wrists.

I stare in the mirror and comb my long black hair, so that it falls over my shoulders in big shiny locks. Then I put on the sexy sleep attire. It is a short sleep gown, reaching to my mid thighs. The upper part is red black see through lace shaped like a bra, it is cut under the breasts and the lower red silk is split into two, uncovering my matching black red lace thong.

I shake my head, smiling. My poor mate doesn't know what he's up against.

I open the door and see him lying in bed, covered up to his mid abdomen.
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