

Alex POV

The feeling of warmth on my face wakes me up from my blissful sleep. I look to my left and see my handsome mate sleeping next to me. Memories of last night come to my mind causing me to blush.

Looking at my hand, I see the ring on my finger and it brings me an unknown comfort as I stare at it. I can tell it's custom made from the intricate design on it. I take it off my finger and examine it. Something on the inside catches my eye.

I love you, Alexandria King.


I read this with a huge smile on my face.

Looking towards him makes me stifle a giggle.

His mouth is slightly open as little snores come from him. He lays comfortably on his stomach and his sexy back is hit by the golden morning sun, giving it a beautiful tan look. The scratch marks on it makes me feel bad for hurting him yet I want to leave more.

After admiring his beauty, I try to sit up but stop immediately as I feel pain shoot up my lower half. I groan and it must have woken Mason up because he stirs. "Goo
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