
Chapter 24 - Questions


As I drove back from the cemetery, Noah’s words echoed in my mind. They left me unsettled and filled me with doubt. I needed answers. Josie seemed to hold the key to understanding what happened at the Grand Palais hotel.

When I arrived home, I found Josie sitting alone in the living room. She was still wearing the inappropriately sexy black dress that she wore to the funeral. Her expression was a mix of sadness and defiance. She looked up as I entered. Her eyes searched mine for a hint of what I was thinking.

“I saw you talking to Noah before I left the cemetery,” She pouted, “What were you talking about? Was it about those texts? Did you not believe me?”

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before I spoke.

“Josie, I need to know the truth,” I began, my voice tinged with urgency. “Noah told me what happened at the hotel. She said you drugged her and almost got her raped.”

Josie’s eyes widened, shock flashing across her face before she composed herself. “Owen, I… I didn’t d
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