
Chapter 6 - Choice


“What?! What guys? I just woke up, Owen. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I replied to the angry voice on the phone.

“More lies! I can’t believe you, Noah. You're despicable!” Owen shouted. He was so loud, I had to move the phone away from my ear.

“Owen, please calm down. All I remember is you leaving with Josie last night. I fell asleep on the couch. What happened?”

“Josie is in the hospital because of you. I demand that you come here right now and apologize to her!”

He ended the call before I could reply. What was this about? Would my life ever go back to normal? I decided to find out what was going on.

My fever was over. Although my head still hurt, the wound was healing rapidly. I took a refreshing shower and got into a pencil skirt and light blue blouse. I combed my hair and decided to wear it in natural loose waves today.

After a quick breakfast, I slipped into my high heels and coat, and made my way to my car. It was a crisp sunny day.

I arrived at the hospital. At least it wasn't me who needed to see the doctor this time.

“Oh, it’s our ‘old friend’.” The nurse said jokingly. I smiled as she directed me to Josie’s room.

As soon as I knocked on the door, Owen opened it with an enraged look on his face.

“Finally! That took you long enough.” He whispered angrily. “Josie is sleeping.”

He came out and gently closed the door behind him. We walked towards the chairs in the hallway.

“I have no idea what happened, Owen.” I said honestly. “Can you please tell me what is going on? Some guys attacked her?”

“Are you still pretending you weren't behind this? You are unbelievable.” He shook his head, then continued. 

“Josie was attacked by some hooligans this morning, on her way to work. She shouted out and fainted from fear. Thankfully, a police officer was nearby. He heard her scream. She has a heavy concussion from the fall. She'll have to stay here a few days to recover.”

“What? That's horrible!” I replied in shock. Although I was angry with Josie, I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

“Stop your act now, Noah. Those guys were arrested. They told the police someone paid them to kidnap Josie, because she broke up a marriage.”

No wonder he doubted me. But I couldn’t believe the trust between us was so fragile.

“Would you believe me if I swore to you it wasn't me?” I asked with a last glimmer of hope. 

His reply made it clear to me that there was no hope left for us: “Never again will I believe a single word you say, Noah.”

I refused to apologize. I didn't have anything to do with this. If anyone needed to stand out and make an apology, it was them for what they had done to me

On my way out, I contacted a friend who had lots of connections all over the city. I asked her to investigate the situation.

I also called the office on my way home, to let them know I was still recovering from my fever and head wound. My boss was understanding. She told me to take as long as I needed.

In the evening, Owen came home just as I was about to have dinner.

“I didn’t prepare your dinner. I guess you would have dinner with Josie?” I said plainly. I didn’t know why he came back at this time, but I didn’t care about it anymore.

He ignored my words and said, “You still don’t want to apologize, right? You have two choices, Noah. Apologize and make amends with Josie, or divorce me and get out of this house!”

“Josie is the one who betrayed us both. She lied to you, Owen. She stole my necklace. She is the one who should apologize!” I argued.

Owen burst out in rage and slapped me in the face. I stared at him in disbelief.

I was totally disappointed. Over the past few days he had hit me, pushed me, cheated on me. He had hurt me in every way. I made up my mind.

“I choose divorce.” I said coldly.

“Okay, good. My lawyer will contact you in the next morning. Oh, and I’ve prepared another ‘surprise’ for you.” Owen said ruthlessly with a wicked smile. Next second, he left without any hesitation.

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