
49: Promise?

Hana stood on her toes, her body shaking from hunger and tiredness. Her feet ached from making the long journey from the alley she slept in to Kyle’s company. Standing in front of Tech Valley for too long hadn’t also helped. Each day she came here hoping the result would be different, but it was the same.

Security had refused to let her inside to see Mr Kyle McKenna. It must have been her dress or face that scared them. As much as she had tried to clean herself up in the hospital’s restroom before leaving that day, she could still feel dry blood on her dress. Her hair was also tangled from the many times she had run her fingers through it.

She left her hair down to hide the bruise on her cheek. She didn’t know Baba could hit that hard. Now she understood why Mama always did everything to avoid another hit.

Cars drove past the building, honking as they went. A few entered and drove out, but she didn’t recognise any to be Kyle’s

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