


I had never felt so much contempt like I felt for Bella. As I looked at her, rage boiled in me, causing my chest to rise and fall uncontrollably. I honestly would have shot her if I had a gun. She was keen on ruining everything I had planned.

The portion had an immediate effect on Trevor. Just when I was getting worried about his repated warnings, the charm started working. Then Bella stepped in and ruined the moment, playing Messiah. She instructed his guards to take him away. Before I could get a hold on all that was happening, I heard there was an emergency meeting with the elders.

I sneaked my way to the meeting, standing behind the door, so I could hear everything they were saying, and I got the shock of my life.

Trevor and Bella had been working together to expose me?

I heard all that Bella said, including the fact that they had uncovered my lies and I was not pregnant. I became even more furious and determined to disgrace Bella. They finally agreed to meet Trevor in the th
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