
39- Full Moon Night

Alessandra Benjamin

“Alessandra. You are leaving?” Uncle Zayn barged into my room with a panic stricken face. No idea what he was talking about? I was waiting for David or Emma to approach me. I did not know if they tried to find out about Juliet’s former pack. Juliet was much more aggressive in my last life. But this time something changed for her too.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Uncle Zayn?” This all was giving me an uneasy feeling.

“Is there something going on between you and KIng Noah? What could be the other reason for him to take you out of here? That too in a one week?”

“I am already quite tensed, Uncle Zayn and here you are asking me if I am leaving the pack house. How the fu*ckin I know about that. I am imprisoned here if you remember!” I replied to him in a biting tone.

“Enough young lady! Language!”

First, he would barge in my room like I was a fucking kid and now he expected me to mind my language. I was waiting for my friends sitting all day long on my ass d
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goodnovel comment avatar
why not do it with Noah instead?
goodnovel comment avatar
Lisa Reed
I hope it’s Noah she sleeps with
goodnovel comment avatar
Everytime I think she gets smart in her planning skills, she takes 4 steps backwards!

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