
Chapter 103 : Huge fight

“That’s really great news Zara. I am happy to hear that”

Ben exclaimed from the other side making Zara put her phone far away from her ear.

“Stop shouting Ben”

While she’s making coffee for her Bash in the office Ben called her to invite her to his wedding. As they talked about random things Zara told Ben about her will to fight for her love.

Ben was so excited and praised her for being able to stand for her love. He knew what kind of family Zara grew up. She’s really courageous to fight with Andrew Jones, the scary man.

“Anyway Zara. It’s good to know that you finally got your man and please bring him to the wedding with you. If possible”

Zara chuckled and filled the cup with the coffee. After that she leaned on the counter tapping her fingers on her cheek.

“Why should I?”

She missed playing with Ben. He was really so good to her and the only person to make her comfortable with his kind gestures. He would text her once a while to check on her and truly cared about her.

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