
Chapter 128 : Zara is missing

Susan’s face glowed with happiness when she saw Sebastian sign the marriage form. She’s married. She’s married to Sebastian. She hugged her mother and smiled like a teenage girl.

Sebastian on the other hand didn’t have any expression on his face and signed all the documents. His phone buzzed when he was signing the marriage form. He saw the ID it’s Zara.

He cut the call immediately. He shouldn’t talk to her for the time being. Her being in contact with him only pushes her to the danger. She called him again and he cut the call again. This repeated for two times, he sighed and put his phone on silent mode.

When he was done with the paper work Susan hugged him and kissed his cheek catching him off guard. He pushed her away and took a step back rubbing his cheek like he was touched by something disgusting.

Susan was startled by his actions and moved closer to her mother seeking support. Eason held her shoulders and glared at Sebastian for pushing his daughter.

“Watch your actions S
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