
Fear Of Losing

Sabrina paced the hall, wringing her hands. She wanted to apologize for her behaviour last night and hoped he would accept her apology. He must have felt so disappointed in her. He was being so gentle and caring with her and what did she do? She pushed him away. His touch was nothing like Cyrus'. His touch spoke of affection and promised pleasure. Then why? Why did she have to ruin it? Why can't she get over that night? Cyrus was no more, she was no longer in that castle. She was free and with her mate. Then why?

But what would have happened if she had let Elizah take her? What if Elizah had met with the same illness as Cyrus did after touching her? She didn't know what had caused that to happen? But there was one thing she was sure of. She can't have Eliah walking away from her. Not after getting this close. She will face her fear for him.

A familiar rap on the door ripped her from her train of thoughts. Her heartbeat climbed up. It was him. She quickly crossed over and opened
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goodnovel comment avatar
are they gonna do it..hihihi...thank you for the lovely chapter Sakshi...
goodnovel comment avatar
she is so cute
goodnovel comment avatar
Martha M
I want more!!!! please dear Author!!!! please give us more chapters!!!!

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