
Chapter 42


My leg makes contact with Andrew's car wheels. I yell and place my palms on the roof of the car. All I want to do right now is to go back to that house and take my wife with me, but I know right now she hates me. I would die if I lost her. I would do anything to get her back into my arms again. At least she allowed me to kiss her, that is a good sign, right?

I tuck the roots of my hair and let out an angry sigh. I slide into the driver's seat and roar the car to life. I roll the window down as I drive, hoping to cool down.

After a while, I spot a Starbucks and pull over. I haven't been able to sleep and every time I try, those silver-grey eyes are all I see. A few cars are parked in front of the shop. I hop out of the car and make my way inside.

The inside is cozy, a few heads turn to look at me. I look terrible, I know. I ignore them and make my way to the counter.

"Hi, what can I get you?" a girl who seems to be Olivia's age asks. Her silver-grey eyes kept my mouth shut. Black
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