
Chapter 61


“I can’t believe it,”

"What is it?"Future asks, searching my face and I point to the TV.

"Do you mind if we cut this short?"I ask, grabbing my bag and getting ready to leave.

"Uhm...I don't mi.."I rushed out of the restaurant and ran to my car. I don't know if he will accept me in open arms, but I have to try and he doesn't deserve what I did to him. I pull the car into the traffic. I call him while driving and to my surprise, he answers.

"Hey, I just heard about your mother, "I say, my eyes on the road.

"How are you holding up?"

"Good. I have always known that this was coming, so I had time to prepare. "He tells me.

"Are you at home? I'm on my way"

"No. I'm at the spot that I showed you the day Tay found us. Do you remember it?"

"Yea, of course" why would I forget? It's the day I found out that Tay put a freaking tracker on my phone. I hang up and drive to the spot.

I climb out of the car leaving my bag inside. Chad is standing at the top of the small cliff looking at t
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