
Against The World

Ariella reached her house and then went inside it where one of the staff members told her that her brother, Seth, was waiting for her in the guest room. Nodding at the staff member, Ariella went to the guest room to meet Seth.

She entered the room and found her brother sitting on the bed. As soon as he sensed her presence, he turned his head in her direction and looked at her. Ariella had expected to see remorse on his face and if not guilt or remorse then at least a bit of sadness after whatever their mother was going through currently but she found none. He was looking completely normal and unbothered which angered Ariella a lot but she decided to have a decent talk with him first before stepping into any kind of conclusions.

Ariella walked further inside the room and stood in front of Seth who didn't even try to get up from the bed, let alone asking her about their mother's health.

“Why did you want to meet me?” She came straight to the point as she had no time or intentions to bea
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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Parminder Jaswal
please updateeeeee
goodnovel comment avatar
Hope Hope
thanks author for making her strong this time. excited for update

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