
Irredeemable Beginning

“It has always been me, Ella,” 

Ariella's heart completely went numb the second she heard him calling her with that name. It was him who had written those letters to her. It was him who had sent those gifts of chocolates, flowers and other things for her. It was him who wrote his love confession for her with his own blood and it was him who killed professor Jace because of her.

The tears in her eyes turned aggressive. Ariella felt someone had started squeezing her heart. It was so painful that she could feel it hurting her physically too. Terror engulfed her very being. 

Slowly tilting her head, she dared to look at him where she found him already staring at her and he was looking at her so calmly like he had just not taken someone's life so brutally for that absurd reason. His gaze was peering at her with so much calmness like he had found everything he had ever wished for because that was the truth. He believed she was his everything ... .a wish he had wished to have as his, every single second in his life from the second he had seen her which was a month ago and just in that one single glance, he lost everything of his in her like a maniac, like an obsessor…. like an insane lover.

Ariella stared into his turquoise gaze, losing her courage to even push him away from her. That poor girl had turned so scared that she could not even dare to say anything to him. She was feeling like she had lost her voice to utter anything. All of this had traumatised her that much, especially his closeness.

She was gazing at him with her glossy eyes when suddenly her eyes secretly took a glance at the door of that classroom in which they both were present.

“W….why did you k…kill professor J…Jace?” She asked him, after gathering all her courage to speak but she was feeling so terrified that even her words came out as broken stutters and her voice came out as a mere whisper.

Ariella saw that calmness in his gaze fade as soon as she asked him that question and his eyes got filled with a furious darkness. His jaw tensed up. His entire demeanour shifted from calm to lethal.

“Because he hurt you and made you cry,” his answer froze her soul, especially witnessing the way how easily he confessed and revealed it to her. Like it was something normal for him to take other's lives on a regular basis and he told it to her so openly like he knew she was never going to betray him by telling about this to someone else because that was the exact truth. He trusted her more than his own self. He trusted his trust over her more than anything in this world.

“And I don't believe in forgiving those who would even dare to think about hurting you and here he made you cry in front of your entire class so….” He paused and she just stared at him, horrified.

“I killed that bastard, Jace Frainly, for making my Ella cry,” 

Like a statue, Ariella heard those words escaping from his mouth and it affected her mentally so much that she ended up tearing up terribly as she could not dare to speak anything further. She didn't even know what to say or do to him after what he had just told her. He killed someone because of her. He took someone's life in his vicious madness for her. With every passing second, Ariella was feeling like something inside her was getting shattered brutally.

His gaze filled with tenderness as soon as he saw her eyes brimming with more tears. Lifting his hand, he placed it over her cheek softly, freezing her body.

“Please don’t cry, Ella. I am never going to hurt you,” he uttered, wiping her cheeks with his thumbs gently. His action and behaviour started scaring her more and more. 

“I can never hurt you,” he said after wiping her cheeks and Ariella found him gazing at her like she was the most fascinated thing he had ever seen in his life, like he couldn’t believe that someone like her could even exist in this world. He was staring at her like she was his most beautiful and ethereal dream which he was dying to live. Only if Ariella had been aware of how deep, dark and firm his feelings were for her. His feelings for her were irredeemable, irrecoverable and irreplaceable because she was his one and only. That much insane he was for her.

Ariella found him peering at her in complete silence, like he was admiring every detail of her being. His eyes were fixed at her with such kind of intensity that it started shuddering something inside her. 

“I love you, Ella,” her heartbeat paused when she heard him whispering those words to her. Did love feel like this? Could love be this irrational? That 17 years old teenager didn’t even know what to call this madness of his for her but she knew it could never be love. It was never going to be considered as love for her but Ariella didn’t know that for every person, the definition of love was different and for him, his definition of love began from her and ended on her. Just her….

She witnessed him cupping her face in between his palms amiably and her soul shivered when she saw him bringing his face closer to hers.

“I love you more than anyone and anything, my Ella. I love you….” he leaned his face closer to hers but before he could have succeeded in fulfilling his intentions for her, Ariella saw that police officer stepping inside the door who was standing outside and was listening to their conversation all this time and then he dashed towards them and pulled him apart from her.

Ariella immediately backed away and pressed herself against the wall. She dragged herself down on the floor and broke down into tears in fear.

“Ms., are you alright?” she heard that officer asking her who was now holding his collar aggressively.

“You did an extremely brave job by helping us in catching him with proof. His confession would be enough to prove him guilty and make him suffer for taking Mr Frainly’s life,” the officer said, glaring at him whose turquoise eyes were still fixed at Ariella.

Before she dared to come upstairs to confront him, she had already caught that police officer, Jonathan, following her and that was where she decided to take his help as she could not dare to come all alone to meet him upstairs where he might have harmed her too. She told officer Jonathan everything and he told her to go there and meet him in order to take out the truth from his mouth and the officer assured her that he wouldn’t let him do anything irrational to her. Ariella agreed to his plan, especially because she wanted professor Jace and his family to receive their justice.

“I would make sure he would also get severely punished for his actions of mentally harassing you,” the officer growled. Ariella slowly dared to take her head upward and her heartbeat shrugged when she found his turquoise gaze already on her. She had expected to see anger or hatred in his eyes for her after the way she helped the officer to catch him but there was none. He was calmly staring at her and was not even struggling to break free from the officer’s hold. It throbbed something inside her painfully. She should be happy that she finally did that act of bravery and helped the officer in catching him red handed but in that moment, by gazing into his serene gaze, she was feeling everything but happy and satisfied.

“ARIELLA…..” her mother’s shout resonated in that classroom. Her parents entered that classroom, followed by the principal and some other police officers. 

“Arie….” her mother immediately hugged her but Ariella’s glossy reddened eyes refused to leave his. She continued to stare at him who didn’t even blink away from her for a mere second.

She saw the officers handcuffing him and he let them do it with no defiance but just peered at her. The officer Jonathan told everything to everyone.

“This video recording would help in proving his guilt. He has confessed his murder in this video,” the officer showed his phone to the head officer. He had also recorded everything to make sure he would be able to prove him guilty in front of everyone.

“Why did you murder Jace Frainly?” The head officer asked him who made no effort to answer but just continued to stare at Ariella until Ariella’s father, Eliseo Kayzon, stood in between them and stopped his gaze from falling on his daughter.

“You….” Eliseo gritted his teeth and then grabbed his neck.

“How dared you to think about my daughter, you bastard?” Eliseo shouted at him but one of the officers pulled him away from him.

“Don’t worry, Mr Kayzon. He would definitely pay for his deeds and we would make sure he would not even dare to think about getting closer to your daughter’s presence again, ” the head officer assured Eliseo.

“Take him away.” The head officer commanded and his subordinates started dragging him away from there but even when he was leaving with them, Ariella witnessed him still gazing at her in complete silence until the officers didn’t haul him away from her glossy vision. But was this the end? She knew it was not because that calmness in his eyes told her this was just the beginning of something irredeemable. 


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