
Chapter 59 Surfing Lesson


Everyone is aware that summer has arrived as the sun reaches its highest point and the wind gets more humid than before. You know it's time to flee the oppressive heat or try to embrace it by going to the beach when sweat drips from your body down to the hard, dry pavement. The vacation has begun, and like I promised my friends, I will ask Ares to take me out of town. Before he had time for our scheduled road trip, we had to wait a week. But that’s not it, we also manage to invite Miaree and Dave to spend this trip with us.


[OMG! OMG! OMG! Really?! Tell me you weren’t joking right now, bestie! ARGHHH!] Miaree screamed with joy as I invited her for a short vacation with me, Ares, and of course, Dave.

“Should I repeat it? I am not joking, Miaree. So, are you in?” I asked even though I am fully aware that she will definitely come with us.

[Why are you still asking me that, dumbass, of course, I’m in!]


The wait has ended. Finally, Friday arrived. It was a h
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