
Girls time 3

“Mrs Willington" Arrya turned to look at who called her when she saw the last person she wanted to see.

“Charlotte?"Arrya called surprised,

"You look surprised Mrs. Willington.…. didn't expect to see the OFFICE SEDUCTRESS right?" Charlotte sarcastically said smiling.

" Well, I must say I'm quite......

“Charlotte!" Samira rushed towards Charlotte hugging her.

“Sam !" Charlotte hugged her friend back. "Welcome.. when did you get here you? Why didn't you call me?" Samira released the hug.

"I just got here, I was talking to Mrs. Willington, "Charlotte said smiling.

"Oh you know my cousin's wife," Samira said smiling.

“Wow… who is your cousin?" Charlotte asks confused

"Damien...Damien Willington and this is his wife Arrya Willington" Samira said for Charlotte to scoff.

“Wait... Sam Damien Willington was your cousin and you didn't tell me," Charlotte said looking at Samira.

" common Charlotte I didn't tell you because everyone likes getting close to me because I'm related to Dami
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