
MJ dinner 4

"Mom are you ok?" Klein asked her mother as she didnt react when her father was leaving.

"'Yea. Why did you ask baby?" Melissa smile at her daughter

"No..I just have a feeling that you and daddy aren't in good terms mom. since you guys came, you didn't talk like you guys use to. so I ...

"Klein honey, I and your father are couples, so issues are meant to happen alright. Don't get it to heart" Melissa smile as she watch are other daughter dancing happily in the arms of her fiance.

"But mom. you know you can talk to us about anything disturbing you" Klein held her mother hands.

Melissa smile at her daughter before focusing back at Stella.

She knew she can't continue to hide the anger boiling from her stomach for her husband. Time will come she needs to tell them what was happening, but not now, not when Stella have found happiness.

Everybody began to join the couples as they dance with their own partners the scene was beautiful, the song and how everybody move to the rhythm of it.

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