
Six months later 2

What's going on Ar?" Amaya asked after seeing Arrya's change of expression.

"Cindy just gave birth to a baby girl”…..

" oh my!! That's great news" Amaya said smiling. "Maya will you call Eddy or I should inform him because Mom said he needs to know" Arrya said for Amaya to smile.

"Leave that to me, I will call him, " Amaya said for Arrya to hug her from behind.

"I love you so much. you just keep amazing me" Arrya said smiling.

" She's just a carefree person and nice," Stella said smiling for Amaya to nod. She does fight it every time not to feel jealous because there's nothing she can do. She's already engaged to Edward but they want Damien to wake up before they talk about marriage.

Things haven't been okay in their family since Damien's accident. Her grandmother has not been strong lately because she fears Damien will wake up and forget her. Her father is trying so hard to keep the family business at its top heights like when Damien was still awake. And here is her brother's f
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