
Tell me where I go wrong

That moment the door of the emergency room opened for the doctor to come out. William rushed towards the doctor who sighed.

"He made it," the doctor said.

"thank goodness" William sighed,

“What are his possibilities?" MJ asked for the doctor to nod.

" Come with me to my office." The doctor said for William and Edward with MJ to follow him.

“Sit please" the doctor pointed at a chair for William to sit on the couch, while MJ and Edward stood there staring at him.

" Hmmmphhh...." the doctor sighed.

"He had multiple broken ribs, a broken head, and a broken leg. Being alive is a miracle for him, we've tried everything to fix his broken bones and his possibilities are very large, especially memory loss. And I don't think he will be able to wake up anytime soon as his impulses are not too active." The doctor told William for him to bow his head. "Are you saying my son will have memory loss?" William asked for the doctor to clear his throat.

"sir it's possible but it might not happen
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