
Chapter 4. Classical Dimension that Haunts


The sound of 1990s sedan made when the trunk was opened. Dirman began looking for his mother-in-law's small suitcase among the other things stored in the trunk. The small suitcase which his mother-in-law always carries when she is working at the hospital or examining patients who come to her house.

"This is it," said Dirman, then closed the trunk of the car. After that, Dirman went straight to Rivan's bedroom.

"Those are the things you are looking for," said Dirman.

"Yes, thank you. Please put it on the table, son," asked begged his mother-in-law.

"I'll put it here" Dirman said, then headed to the kitchen to help his wife who was cooking for their lunch.

Lusi, who had been in the kitchen, seemed pleased seeing Dirman want to help her cook. However, Dirman's face seemed like didn't please at all.

"Papa, is there any problem? Why do you keep quiet?," said Lusi.

"Hmm ... No, ma. I'm just worried about Rivan's condition," said Dirman.

"Is it about my father's question earlier right after they came?" asked Lusi.

"Yes, ma. I feel bad to your father and mother," complained Dirman.

"You know, pa. You don't have to think too much about it. Sorry,if I am too noisy about Rivan to you earlier" said Lusi.

"It's okay, ma. After all, papa was also wrong for smoking near Rivan," said Dirman.

The two of them cooked sauteed morning glory and fried mackarel until they were finished, as planned. At exactly 11 noon, both of them brought the food to the dining room, along with 1 pot of rice and 1 pot of fruit ice.

After that, Dirman and Lusi went to the living room to ask Prof. Mirza and Doctor Lina to eat lunch.

"Mother, father, the food is ready," said Lusi.

"Let's sit in the dining room," said Dirman.

"How come you know that I already hungry. Isn't that right, ma?" 

asked Prof. Mirza to his wife.

"Your father is lying, we already had chicken porridge before leaving right?" Said Doctor Lina.

"You know what?. If you haven't eaten rice, you haven't eaten yet, ma. Are you full if you only eat porridge?" asked Prof. Mirza.

"Well well, whatever you say then," said Doctor Lina, jokingly.

"Come on, let's eat first," said Lusi.

They ate lunch deliciously, this intimacy that made the home atmosphere felt happier than before. But to be honest, Dirman still felt anxious if his in-laws talked about Rivan's condition again. Not long after that, Dirman's thought was true because his in-laws began to talk about it.

"Dirman, I want to tell you about Rivan's condition," said Doctor Lina.

"Ermm. Yes, ma'am. How is Rivan's condition?" asked Dirman.

"I think Rivan's cough is not a normal cough. It would be better for you and Lusi to immediately take Rivan to an internist doctor, so that Rivan's lung condition could be well further examined," ordered Doctor Lina, Rivan's mother-in-law.

"Is Rivan's condition that bad, ma?" asked Lusi to her mother.

"Actually, it's not bad. But, treating from early phase is better than waiting until the disease got worse, right?" said his mother.

Hearing what his wife said, Prof. Mirza became furious and worry about his grandson's condition. He didn't want anything bad happened to her 2-year-old grandson. His anger directly expressed toward his son-in-law's face at the dinner table.

"Oh, this must be because of your cigarette smoke that affected Rivan's body. Anyway, if Rivan worsen from time to time, I will re-think again to continue giving master scholarship to you," said Prof. Mirza with a threatening tone.

"B..but, sir? I really need that scholarship" said Dirman by begging.

"There are no excuses or buts, Dirman. One more thing, if you don't stop smoking soon, don't expect the campus to recruit you as a lecturer. Keep that in mind!" said Prof. Mirza, hard and firm.

"Dad ... dad, that's enough, think about your high blood pressure," pleaded Lusi.

"Dad, please be patient. Don't continue to be angry," said Doctor Lina to her husband.

"Let it be, ma. Let Dirman reflect on himself," said Prof. Mirza.

"Dad, that's enough. Mama asked to stop," asked Doctor Lina this time trying to calm the tense atmosphere.

Dirman couldn't say a word, hearing the hard ultimatum from his father-in-law. The atmosphere of a happy lunch, turned tense just because of Rivan's condition.

================ Back to the Present ===========================

"So, do you still think about the incident at that time?" asked Lusi.

"That's right, Mom. Papa feels guilty until now," said Dirman.

"Dad, that's all right. The most important thing now is that Rivan can recover quickly and go back to school as usual," hoped Lusi.

Lusi tried to strengthen her husband's, who was mentally down. She held her husband's hands which felt cold and sweaty. The married couples who had already in their 8th year of marriage were still quite harmonious, for now.

Towards 8 a.m., the activities at Hadiwijoyo Hospital, Surabaya began to get busier than before. It makes doctors, nurses, duty officers, and patients who always passing by from time to time looked even more intense. Dirman and Lusi were getting tired physically, but both of them could not rest because they were "forced" by the situation to stay awake while waiting for further news from the doctors about Rivan's latest condition.

"Dad, mom is hungry. Let's have breakfast first," asked Lusi.

"Yes, me too. Where do you want to eat, mom?" asked Dirman.

"Let's look for Soto Ayam, let's go near here," asked Lusi.

"Okay, ma. Come on." Dirman replied enthusiastically.

Both of them walked on foot to 'Warung Soto Ayam Pak Ciro', which was located right in front of the hospital. Arriving at the restaurant, Dirman and Lusi ordered 2 portions of soto ayam with 2 glasses of orange juice. Dirman and Lusi didn't talk much when they ate, until finally Lusi's cell phone rang.

"Hello. Assalamualaikum. Yes, Dad, "said Lusi.

"Wa'alaikumsalam. Lusi, how is Rivan?" asked his father.

"Now, Rivan is referred to the Hadiwijoyo hospital in Surabaya, pa. My husband and I accompany Rivan here," said Lusi.

"Can I talk to Dirman?" asked his father.

Lusi gave her cell phone to Dirman and just said, "Daddy wants to talk to you" 

Dirman received the call, then he stood up from his seat and headed to the front of the shop. He felt that chatting with his in-laws who were also the top leaders of the campus where he worked, were important and confidential.

"Hello, sir. I'm sorry about Rivan's condition," said Dirman, trying to guess the direction of the conversation.

"It's Dirman. Take it easy. Mistakes can still be forgiven by time," said Prof. Mirza.

"Really, sir? I am happy if you can forgive me," said Dirman.

"Of course, Dirman. So, in this world, it's all about take and give. Giving benefits and advantages. It's just like the apologies, there are consequences after someone's apology," said Prof. Mirza.

Dirman was silent for a moment. He tried to exactly predict what his father-in-law meant from his words. With strong intuition as a Lecturer, he continued the chat.

"Then, what can I give as a form of gratitude to you for forgiving me?" asked Dirman.

"Did you still remember, who gave you master scholarship at that time who makes you to become a lecturer until today?" asked Prof. Mirza.

"Yes, sir. I still remember," replied Dirman.

"Who is that?" asked Prof. Mirza.

"Yes, sir. Thanks to you, you're the one who gave me the scholarship" said Dirman.

Prof. Mirza laughed  satisfyingly hearing Dirman's answers. He thought that Dirman was still very naive as a person who holds the status of a Lecturer at Siupala University, Malang.

"Dirman.... Dirman. You are already a lecturer now, but you are still naive just like in the past." said Prof. Mirza. 

Shortly thereafter, Prof. Mirza offered a "win-win solution" to Dirman. 

"Look, son Dirman. You don't have to worry. Just ensure that I will continue to hold the Rector position for the next period," said his father in-law.

"How can I do that, sir? By convincing the Senate?" asked Dirman.

"That's right. Whatever the method is up to you, Dirman. The important thing is, I'm still the Rector in this university. You have good connections with several members of the Senate who have voting rights in this year's Rector Election." Said the in-law, dictating.

"Fine, sir. I will try. Then, what if I fail?" asked Dirman.

"You must have known the consequences, right?" said the in-law, with a smile but sharp enough to straightly hit Dirman's mind.

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