
Chapter 9; Gala night

Adrian's POV

The invitation to the gala had been sitting on my desk for weeks, a reminder of the social obligations that came with my position. Normally, I would have ignored it—parties weren't my thing—but tonight was different. Tonight, I had a plan.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, adjusting my tie with a critical eye. My suit was tailored to perfection, the fabric clinging to my frame in all the right places. I prided myself on my appearance, knowing that first impressions were everything in the world I inhabited.

The gala was being held at one of the city's most prestigious venues, a grand ballroom filled with chandeliers and marble floors. As I stepped inside, the air hummed with excitement, the chatter of the guests blending with the soft strains of classical music.

Hoping she accepted my invitation,I scanned the room, searching for Bella Martinez. She stood out in a sea of designer dresses and sparkling jewelry, her vibrant energy drawing my eye like a magnet. She wore a simple black dress that hugged her curves, her hair swept up in an elegant bun. She looked stunning, and for a moment, I found myself unable to look away.

I made my way over to her, weaving through the crowd with practiced ease. She spotted me and smiled, her eyes lighting up with recognition.

"Adrian," she said, extending her hand. "It's good to see you."

"You too, Bella," I replied, taking her hand in mine. Her touch sent a jolt of electricity through me, and I quickly let go, cursing myself for the reaction.

"I hope you don't mind me bringing a date," I said, gesturing to the woman by my side.

Bella's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "Of course not," she said, her tone polite but guarded. "It's your party, after all."

I introduced Sophia Reynolds, a social media influencer I'd hired to accompany me for the evening. She was a vision in a shimmering gown, her blonde hair cascading down her back in perfect waves. She oozed charm and confidence, her every move calculated to draw attention. And attention was exactly what I demanded. 

As the night wore on, I kept a close eye on Bella, watching as she mingled with Sophia and the other guests. She was a natural conversationalist, effortlessly charming everyone she met. It was easy to see why she'd caught my eye, why I couldn't seem to get her out of my head.

I dropped my wine glass and took a stepped forward to meet them when my attention was soon diverted by the arrival of Monica Tate. She is a rival CEO with a reputation for ruthlessness, Basically the Queen in her own world, but in my world- she was definitely an obstruction. She approached me with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, her gaze assessing and calculating.

"Adrian Langston," she said, her voice smooth as silk. "What a pleasure to see you here." It was very fake. 

"Monica," I replied, returning her smile with one of my own. "To what do I owe the honor of your presence?"

She leaned in close, her breath warm against my ear. "I just wanted to remind you that the tech market is a dangerous place, Adrian. One wrong move, and you could find yourself out of the game." This meant she was planning something. 

I resisted the urge to bristle at her words. Monica was a formidable opponent, but I wasn't about to let her intimidate me.

"I appreciate your concern, Monica," I said, keeping my tone neutral. "But I think I can handle myself."

She smirked, her eyes gleaming with something akin to amusement. "We'll see about that, Adrian. We'll see."

And with that, she swept away, leaving me with a lingering sense of unease. Monica was a snake in the grass, always lurking, always waiting for the right moment to strike. I couldn't let my guard down, not for a second.

As the night wore on, I found myself drawn back to Bella, unable to resist her magnetic pull. She was talking animatedly with a group of guests, her laughter ringing out like music in the crowded ballroom. I wanted nothing more than to join her, to lose myself in her presence and forget about the chaos swirling around us.

But duty called, and I had a company to run. I tore myself away from the crowd, leaving Bella behind and pulling Sophia away. The two seemed to get along pretty fast. I do hope Bella enjoyed the party and is fully convinced to join my team. 

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