

Her eyes twinkled with curiosity, she asked, "Is football that fascinating to you?" An Zihao whose most favourite hobby was to sing praises of his cousin found his way in; he answered her question, "Fascinating would be a very little word, to my cousin football was his everything!"

Qin Yue got a bit taken aback, in her perspective rich hiers like him would be raised to take up the family legacy and take care of the family business once they grew up; never in million years she had thought that they too would have some passion. "Tell me more!" Qin Yue urged An Zihao.

An Zihao cleared his thought and started to narrate, "My bro learned about football when he was in boot camp, he was five years old back then."

Boot camps were training centers where people would be given military training. The people wouldn't be e

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