

Kyla was looking for something in Reevecus' walk-in closet but she found an envelope. She got curious, opened it, and saw a medical record. She read it and suddenly dropped the papers. "Oh, God!" She started crying.

"Babe? Where---hey, why are you---" Reevecus saw the familiar papers scattered on the floor.

"How long will you hide it from me!? How long!? If you are already on your deathbed!?" She's mad at him but at the same time, scared that at any moment he will leave.

"I'm going to tell it to you but I'm afraid." Reevecus cannot stop himself from crying. Kyla hugged her tightly and her tears fell on his chest.

"Y-You're terminated." She sobbed on her chest. "How much t-time do you have left?"

"Until May." He answered while hugging his girlfriend and kissing her hair.

"Then marry me tomorrow." She moved away from him and wiped her tears.


"I'm serious. Will you marry me, Mr. Reevecus Asyl Leviste?"


"Yes or no? It's just a simple question."

"Yes. Of course, I wil
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