
Don't cry, again

I stood up, "I-I finished my coffee, thanks for the bread." I can feel my heart racing now, I need someone to get away before he hears how my crazy heart is.

"Are you already done eating?" He asked and looked at Darius who was about to enter the elevator, “Hmm, okay I think I understand why you are suddenly in a hurry. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me even though we are not that close yet."

I just nodded and rushed out of the break room, but I couldn't catch up with him the door was already closed before I could run toward it. I couldn't do anything but wait for the next elevator, if only I could use the stairs I would but it’s too tiring.

I stood there for a few minutes, almost at the same time Kyler got on. I scratched the back of my neck in shame, I wish I had waited for him to finish the coffee he was drinking earlier.


'Good luck!' He whispered before he finally exited the elevator when he reached the floor where his department was.

"Huh?" I looked at him confused but
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