


It’s after midnight when I arrive at the Scottsdale Airport. I use an air service when traveling and Andreas managed to arrange a late flight. He’s included himself in the travel itinerary and he’s back on my needs-to-be-beat list.

“I’m your protection. It looks bad for you to go into another territory without me. You should have more than just one bodyguard, but I didn’t figure you’d go for it,” he said before we boarded the small jet.

He was right.

I’ve thought about how to approach Moon’s home since we left. I still don’t have a set plan. There’s a rental vehicle waiting, and I ponder how to deal with Moon while Andreas navigates the streets. When Victor was alive, we visited Moon’s place about once a year. Cindy came along even though Victor rarely involved her in business. Cindy enjoyed Madison’s company, so Victor gave in.

We hit the tight road leading up to the front gate and two vehicles pull out and block us, causing Andreas to abruptly stop the car. I step out unarmed
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