
Sincere Feelings

Nina couldn't stop staring at Aiden's photo, for her this was a real shock. Aiden looks like an adorable fat boy, with round cheeks like a tomato and a faint smile on his lips.

"I didn't expect the change so far, huh?"

"Yeah, I thought so too. But, all humans change when they hit puberty, right? I heard, he started dieting in middle school."

"Is that so? What's the reason he's on a diet so people stop bothering him?"

"I don't know about that, but it's possible. Even though we only met in elementary school, I heard that even in middle school he received bad treatment from his friends."

"How are his parents? Didn't he tell his parents that he was being bullied?"

"I don't know, but I don't think so. When he was little, he always kept his problems alone. His mother never came to school to complain about his problems, that means he didn't say anything to his mother?"

Nina was silent, the more she learned the truth about Aiden, the more she realized that all along she had known nothi
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