
Do You Have A Reason Why Should I Ended It?

Arsen's gaze was still as intimidating as before Lyra was already used to seeing this sharp gaze. But this time it felt different. Arsen has never looked this angry before. For God's sake! She's really scared right now. Lyra could even see the veins of anger on his brother's forehead.

"A-Arsen," called Lyra very softly. She didn't even hide her fear at all. Her feet continued to step back. Avoiding Arsen who continues to move forward. Trying to get close to her. Didn't know what he would do to his sister. Will he do something bad to Lyra? Finally, Lyra had no chance to avoid Arsen anymore. Her back had hit the wall.



Her heartbeat was getting crazy. Lyra cursed silently. As for Arsen himself, he was still staring intently at his younger sister’s face intensely. Lyra's eyes were completely shut. Honestly, he was furious. The news of Lyra's dating with that bastard, he had already heard. And there is no need to ask again how Arsen reacte

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