

If it was the right thing to pay for the girl, of course not! But at the moment, we had no solution and couldn't think straight.

- I think ten million norians would be good enough - Breno said - We could buy a little house in a better neighborhood... Maybe a car or a powerful motorcycle. Anya always wanted to get boobs – she looked at the woman, smiling – And I think she really needs it. In addition to being small, one is bigger than the other.

- Wow, extremely necessary things! – I didn't contain myself – And then, what are they going to claim? The house needs maintenance, the car has to be exchanged for a newer one, the butt fell off too... Why don't you have surgery and change your sick brains? - I exploded.

- Barbara... - Hector touched my arm, smoothing it softly, as he looked at me - Let me decide, please.

- This will never end, will it? – I asked, looking in their direction.

Anya's eyes entered mine. She didn't need to answer. I think we all knew we would be blackmailed forever
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