
Chapter 46

Anna pov

I'm sobbing as Luca helps clean up my vagina after I miscarry our pup. The fact I didn't know I was pregnant would haunt me a lot. Lorenzo limps into the bathroom with towels, his eyes red from crying. He watches as Luca carefully cleans me. Both look as broken as I feel.

"My love," he speaks so low I barely hear him. He kisses my lips as he helps Luca dry my body. Both take special care of my body as they take cate of me.

"You shouldn't be up, Lorenzo." I fret over him. He just kisses me and hugs me gently.

"I'm sorry," I whimper as guilt fills me. I lost our pup, and I feel awful about it.

"My love it isn't your fault that cunt caused all of this I swear I should end her sorry ass",Luca fumes.

"Please don't sneak off and do anything, Luca, I beg, please stay here with us. You both need to stop running off. I can't handle it. "I burst into sobs, making both rush to comfort me. I'm hugged, and we stay like that till our stomachs growl. Once we are dressed, we head to the beds
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