

'He's close... Can you feel him?'

Rebecca opened her eyes slightly, the trip was still on and Villa didn't stop to rest yet, deciding its best to push through.

She looked at her mother who had her eyes poised forward.

'Can you?'

It wasn't her, Rebecca figured it must he her wolf "Feel who?" She asked making Villa look at her.

'If you were anywhere close to me, you would have realised the danger you're in, or maybe, you won't be in danger... All I can say is... You're surrounded'

"Surrounded?" Rebecca asked loudly again and Villa instantly glanced around but the knock hitting the back of the pickup made it swerve on the icy roads.

Rebecca screamed holding on for dear life as Villa fought hard keeping the pickup in a slide, but they hit a ditch and it rolled.

There was a hum in her ears, somewhere into the roll blood spilled, she felt hot as pain raked her. Rebecca groaned opening her eyes to see them upside down in the snow, the door got ripped
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