
Let sleeping monsters lie

Vincent sat on a chair drinking a glass of water, his eyes on Skyler the whole time, she shuffled uncomfortably on her bed, her eyes to the floor.

He has faced some vicious vampires in his life but never was it this easy to capture one, to think she's a countess? She made it easy for him, hiding in plain sight from humans is one thing, but trying that on an aged hunter was a death sentence.

Although he was ordered years back should they ever track a one 'Skyler Stander' down she should be captured, he just never knew she was a vampire made by Vlad.

"You can relax my beauty, all we have gathered from vampires are already sufficient, we just needed you because you're a descendant of Vlad"

"Don't compare me to him" she said.

"My apologies then, but know it won't be too stressful"

"This is evil, what you're doing here"

"Is it?"

"Vampires and werewolves are almost extinct, yet still every day you seek more ways to kill us"

He smiled "Until the
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