
Chapter 62: Slut!

Aurora POV

Stretching out on the bed, heat soaking into my skin, making me purr like a cat basking in the sun. My body felt utterly at peace with itself; I couldn't remember the last time I felt this relaxed. Opening my eyes with a stretch and yawn, I paused, seeing Hugo watching me intently.

"Where are you watching me sleep?" I asked, slightly concerned by his apparent 360 switch.

"You snore!" he grinned, his smile lopsided and cute.

"You know that's creepy as fuck, right?" I mumbled, smirking at the way his lips puckered, and he blew me a kiss. His lips looked unbelievably soft.

Fuck when did I start to notice this shit!

"I always did!" Ava announced with a sleepy yawn, making my eyes widen, and a smile stretched across my face. I gasped, sitting bolt upright in the bed, Hugo following his hand on the base of my spine, with eyes shining with concern.

"I was joking; I wasn't watching you the whole time you slept!" Hugo rushed out, a small grin pulling at the corners of my li
Pippa Moon

Sorry for the delay in updates, I have had a loss in the family so updates are all over the place. Thank you for understanding! But as always thank you for the comments, gems and reviews! They are great and making me smile at this crappy time! Thank you!

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