
chapter 67

Zayn POV

I didn't know what to do.

what will be her reaction? No!!!

is she gonna loose herself again. that would not only be a disaster for the kingdom but her too.

She might not know it but after she last times incident she grew weaker.

she is already very slim.

The ground started shaking and that's when i knew that she is loosing control. i ran towards where Four was and found Tris trying to calm Gigi down.

How did Tris got here?

"Zayn" Tris said and Gigi shi

of her head towards me looking furious.

A chill of fear ran down Zayn's spin.

the power Gigi was radiating and the dramatic wind revolving around her giving her a roller coaster ride was adding fuel to the fire. walking towards me taking slow steps she asked "How?!" even her voice was radiating power.

"Gigi Calm..." Tris tried to calm her down but Gigi told her to shut the fuck up.

she turned towards me again and u gulped my saliva.

"How?!" She asked again her voice drop dead serious.

"Gigi please calm down first!" I
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