

      Raven stayed in the back of the vehicle until they reached the Pack’s compound. Alpha Jones ignored her the entire trip. She wasn’t anyone special, which is why she questioned his actions. He’d always ignored her. Alpha Jones never mentioned mates, and she’d never mentioned it. Yet he dragged her back to the compound. Why? The dare? That made no sense.

      She had a feeling it had to do with her threat to leave. Did he want to keep her near, but not as his mate? He’d have said something. She had no value to him.

      The vehicle parked before the Pack house. Raven hadn’t visited the Pack house in years. It hadn’t changed.

      The enforcers exited the vehicle, leaving her locked in the back. She expected nothing less.

      The enforcer who drove went to release her several minutes later, as he’d received orders to store the vehicle. That’s when chaos reined, Alpha Jones yelled at the enforcer. His eyes glowed in the predawn light with anger. He stormed to the vehicle, causing the enforcer to step back in haste. The enforcer bared his throat and lowered his eyes as he backpedaled from his Alpha.

      “No one touches her. You are off duty leave. See your Delta for a new assignment.”

      WTF? What was happening? His reaction made no sense. The enforcer was doing his job.

      Alpha Jones yanked from the vehicle, and she cried out in humiliated anger as she stumbled from the vehicle. The wolves around her watching snickered didn’t lessen her humiliation.

      The laughter wasn’t a surprise. They’d assume she’d broken some law. He forced her to walk into the Pack house, past everyone.

      Raven overheard a wolf. “Who is she? What did she do? The Alpha’s so angry.”

      “I don’t know. But I’m glad it’s not me. I’m surprised she’s alive after she dragged him out at this hour.”

      Raven tried to stop and explained. Alpha Jones wouldn’t allow her that. Instead, he threw her over his shoulder and stormed into the Pack house.

      The main entrance had wolves everywhere. What had the Pack house so full of wolves at five am? She’d never seen so many unless he held a pack meeting.

      “Alpha Jones, I’ve done nothing? Put me down.” Raven could feel the blood rushing to her head.

      His hand collided with her buttocks a second time. “Shut up and speak when you’re spoken to.”

      “Where are you taking me?” Raven felt and heard his warning growl. “I can walk.” He slapped her again. The smack resounded off the walls along with her cry of pain and outrage.

      Alpha Jones didn’t slow as he took the main stairs.

      Raven expected to spend time in the Pack’s jail in the basement. He continued past his office and up to the third floor where the living quarters of the Alpha, Beta, and Deltas were.

      Alpha Jones entered his suite. With no warning, he released her. Raven wasn’t prepared and lost her balance. She landed hard on the plush Andalusian carpet. Her glare turned to fear when she saw his expression.

      “Enough. Where’s your brother?” Raven cowered as he loomed over her.

      “I told you; I don’t know. If I knew, I’d have dealt with him.” He snorted in disbelief.

      “That, changes nothing for you.”

      “What do you want?” Raven feared this. He can do anything with her. Alpha Jones could force her to serve the pack in demeaning ways, imprison her or use her as an example. He could choose to kill her. As her brother said, ‘it’s the dealer’s choice.’

      “I won’t tolerate your disrespectful behavior and insolence. I can’t trust you. So, I’ll keep you as my pet. When you aren’t in my presence you’ll stay locked up in a location of my choosing. Otherwise, your job is to please me.”

      “How do you expect me to serve you?” Raven feared he expected her to do something she wouldn’t do. If he forced her to have sex, he’d learn they were mates. She couldn’t refuse because of the dare. How would he react when he realized?

      “You’ll do what I want. Just keep me happy. It’s that simple. I tell you to get me a coffee. It’s your job to know how I want it. If I tell you to strip, you strip. You’ll do everything in your power to ensure I’m happy. If you give me lip, I’ll punish you. Your brother’s no longer welcome here. He’s a rogue. If I catch him, I’ll kill him. If you contact him and I’ll make you wish you hadn’t.”

      “Why aren’t you forcing me to leave? I don’t understand. You never cared before if I was a part of your Pack. What’s changed?”

      “Stop telling me how I feel or think. Your only concern is to please me. Be an obedient little pet, I’ll reward you. Find me something to eat, I’m starving.” Raven noticed his hungry gaze. She was unsure if he wanted more than food from her. Jones moved away from her. He seemed almost eager to avoid her.

      “I’m sure the kitchen has something. Breakfast service starts in less than an hour. I’m sure someone will serve you early.”

      “Raven, I said you’ll bring me something now.”

      “What would you like, Alpha Jones?”

      “Find something. You’re not a vapid she-wolf. Now go. Return when you have my food. Don’t waste time. I’m watching the clock. If you take too long, I’ll hunt you down.”

      Raven stifled an annoyed grumble. She made only a little noise, but he swung on her. “Disrespecting me already?”

      “What? No, I wish I knew this before entering the Pack house. I could have retrieved your meal and brought it up. You’d be eating right now if I’d known.”

      “I don’t care, go. Or I will punish you for disobeying. So, don’t try me.”

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