
The Night of the Bonfire

As Ethan led Rafe and Delia through the sandy terrain, the crackling warmth of the bonfire welcomed them. The flames danced in the night, casting an enchanting glow over the gathering. People were scattered around the fire, some seated on logs while others stood, their faces illuminated by the flickering light.

Delia's was in awe as she took in the scene before her. There were some people venturing into the water for a nighttime swim, their laughter mingling with the sound of the waves. Nearby, a makeshift tiki bar served up a colorful array of island cocktails, the clinking of glasses and lively chatter adding to the festive atmosphere.

Seeing Delia flanked by Rafe and Ethan, she garnered curious glances from people around her. They nodded respectfully to Rafe and Ethan and their gazes lingered on Delia with a mixture of intrigue and speculation.

When they approached a trio of individuals, Delia's gaze flickered between Marcus and the two unfamiliar faces. One was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair, about her age, who was gesturing wildly, her energy palpable as she chatted animatedly with Marcus and the third person. Marcus, standing beside her, caught sight of Delia and offered her a warm smile.

The other was a man who stood tall and imposing, his dark, tanned skin glistening in the firelight. His muscular arms were crossed, his attention fully focused on the conversation at hand.

The beautiful woman noticed them approaching and rushed to Rafe enveloping him in a warm hug.

Delia felt a sudden pang of jealousy in her heart, which was uncharacteristic of her. Rafe returned woman’s embrace with a fond smile, his expression softening at the sight of her.

“I thought you were getting back tomorrow," Rafe remarked, a hint of surprise in his tone.

The woman shrugged nonchalantly. "Plans changed," she replied cryptically, before turning her attention to Delia with an enthusiastic smile.

“You must be Delia! I've been dying to meet you." Delia was taken aback by the woman’s exuberance, her ocean blue eyes sparkling with genuine excitement.

Rafe stepped forward, a proud smile gracing his features. "Delia, this is my sister, Aria," he introduced, his tone affectionate as he gestured towards the lively girl beside him. “Aria, meet Delia."

Aria beamed at Delia, her enthusiasm undiminished as she shook Delia's hand vigorously. "It's so great to meet you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth.

Delia returned Aria's smile, charmed by her vivacious personality. "Likewise, Aria," she replied warmly, feeling an instant connection with Rafe's sister.

Delia was secretly happy to know this beautiful woman was, in fact, Rafe’s sister. Despite the lack of resemblance between him and Aria, there was an undeniable warmth and familiarity in their interaction.

While Rafe exuded an aura of strength and intensity, his sister possessed a more relaxed and carefree demeanor. Where Rafe possessed thick jet black hair and cold silver eyes, Aria had sun-streaked blonde hair that cascaded down her back and blue eyes that mirrored the endless expanse of the ocean. She was wearing a crop top and a mini denim skirt that showcased her toned and athletic figure.

Rafe then turned his attention to the tall, dark-haired man standing beside Aria. "And this is Alex," he introduced. "Delia, Alex."

Alex nodded in greeting, his expression serious but not unkind. "Nice to meet you, Delia," he said, his voice deep and resonant.

Delia offered Alex a polite smile, returning his nod with a respectful one of her own. "Likewise, Alex," she replied, taking note of his confident bearing.

As the introductions concluded, Ethan chimed in, offering Delia a drink. Delia nodded politely, her eyes scanning the assortment of beverages at the makeshift tiki bar.

Rafe arched his brows, a slight amusement dancing in his silver eyes, he asked Ethan, "You're not going to ask me what I want?"

Ethan chuckled, gesturing towards the array of drinks. "Well, Rafe, what'll it be?" he asked with a hint of mischief.

Rafe grinned and glanced at Delia. “I'll have what Delia's having," he declared, his gaze lingering on her, causing a faint blush to creep up Delia's cheeks.

Delia turned to Ethan. “I'll have a mojito, please," she requested, her voice soft but decisive.

“Excellent choice”, quipped Ethan and headed to get the drinks.

Meanwhile, Aria's enthusiasm bubbled over as she pulled Delia aside away from the men, her blue eyes alight with curiosity. "So, Delia, how's do you like our island so far?" she inquired, her voice brimming with genuine interest. "Would you like to hang out with me tomorrow?" she added eagerly, a hopeful smile playing on her lips.

Delia smiled warmly at Aria's eagerness, “St. John has been absolutely wonderful so far," she replied sincerely. "And I'd love to hang out with you tomorrow," she added, returning Aria's smile with equal enthusiasm.

Aria's eyes sparkled with delight at Delia's response. Ethan brought over the drinks to Delia and Rafe.

While Rafe and the rest of the men were deep in conversation, Aria seized the opportunity, urging Delia with a grin, "Let's go for a walk."

Delia nodded in agreement, exchanging a brief glance with Rafe before following Aria away from the bonfire. Leaving the men behind, they strolled along the beach, the sound of crashing waves providing a soothing backdrop.

Delia recalled Aria being back from somewhere, she inquired, “So did you just return from a trip?”

Aria's smile faltered slightly. "I was visiting one of the neighboring islands on business," she explained vaguely. “Boring stuff”.

As they continued their walk, Delia could feel Rafe’s eyes on them. Glancing over her shoulder, she caught his silver gaze following their every move, his expession unreadable. A shiver ran down her spine as she realized he was tracking their movements.

As she turned her attention back to Aria, Delia couldn’t help but notice the mischievous glint in Aria’s eyes who had observed the exchange between Delia and Rafe.

“So, Delia, where do I even begin?” Aria teased, her tone playful. “Rafe seems really taken by you,” she added casually, her words laced with a hint of amusement.

Delia sputtered into her drink at Aria’s directness, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "We only met this morning," she mumbled, her voice barely audible over the sound of the crashing waves.

Aria just laughed, her blue eyes twinkling with amusement as she offered Delia a knowing smile. "Oh, I can see that," she remarked teasingly. "But sometimes, you just know, you know?"

Delia couldn't help but chuckle nervously at Aria's playful response, her mind racing to find a suitable reply.

Noticing her unease, Aria instead leaned in closer and asked, “Tell me more about you,” she urged gently, her voice earnest. “How come you decided to move to here?”

“Um, well, it's a long story," Delia began, her tone hesitant as she searched for the right words. "I guess you could say I needed a change of scenery," she admitted finally, her gaze drifting towards the ocean. "St. John seemed like the perfect place to start over."

Just then a sudden change came over Aria as her eyes seemed to glaze over. She swiftly turned towards Rafe and the others, only to find them already sprinting towards them.

“We are under attack," Rafe announced, his voice tense. "Pirates," he added grimly while looking at Delia. "Ethan, take Delia home and stay with her. The others, follow me. We need to deal with this situation”, Rafe commanded.

Delia's mind reeled at the unexpected turn of events. Everybody else at the bonfire seemed to be scattering around and leaving in chaos.

Pirates? It seemed unbelievable, yet there was no time to dwell on it as Ethan grabbed her hand, pulling her along as they ran towards his car.

With a quick start of the engine, they sped off into the night. As they raced through the darkened streets, Delia's heart was pounding with adrenaline. She thought she heard distant growls echoing in the night, sending a chill down her spine.


As the car came to a halt in front of the villa, Ethan turned towards Delia, his expression grave. "Stay in the car for a moment," he instructed, his voice low and serious. "I'll make sure the coast is clear before we go inside."

Delia nodded, her heart racing with a mixture of fear and curiosity as she watched Ethan disappear into the darkness.

Moments later, he returned, gesturing for her to follow him into the house. Once inside, Delia couldn't contain her anxiety any longer. "Ethan, what's going on?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. "Are there really pirates?"

Ethan's expression softened as he met her gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of reassurance and grim determination. "Occasionally, yes," he admitted, his tone serious. "But we know how to handle them. Let's just wait for the others to get back, okay?" he added, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

While Delia prayed for the safe return of the others, Ethan paced inside the villa, occasionally looking out the window for any suspicious activity, tension hung heavy in the air.

As the hours dragged on, exhaustion began to take its toll. Delia found herself sinking into the couch where she had been sitting.

A deep frown marred her usually serene features. Despite his own anxiety, Ethan watched over her with a sense of protectiveness, his pacing gradually slowing to a standstill as he kept a vigilant eye on her. The stillness of the night was only broken by the soft sound of Delia's breathing as sleep claimed her, her worries temporarily forgotten.

In the wee hours of the morning, the silence in the villa was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.

Delia stirred from her fitful sleep on the couch, her eyes fluttering open as she registered the sound. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Delia sat up, her heart once again filled with worry.

Rafe stood on the doorway, his silhouette framed by the faint light filtering in from outside. His rugged appearance bore evidence of the skirmish with the pirates, but his silver eyes held a reassuring warmth as they met Delia's gaze.

“Rafe," Delia breathed, a mixture of relief and concern flooding her voice as she rushed to his side.

Rafe offered her a tired smile, his exhaustion evident. "Are you okay? What about the others?” she asked, voice laced with concern.

Rafe nodded, a faint smile gracing his lips. "We're all fine," he reassured her, he his silver eyes softening as he gazed at her.

Rafe looked towards Ethan who was standing by the door. Ethan nodded to the both of them and silently departed.

Looking up at Rafe, Delia couldn't help but notice the scratches and wounds marring his handsome features.

She reached out running her fingers over his face, while she expressed her disbelief at the presence of pirates on the island.

She noticed a shift in Rafe's demeanor at her touch. Despite the fatigue evident in his eyes, there was a fierce intensity burning within them as he locked gazes with Delia.

With a gentle touch, he cupped her face in his hands, as he studied her features intently. His fingers brushed against her bottom lip, igniting warm tingles throughout her body.

In that moment, Delia found herself drawn to him in a way she couldn't explain. Despite only meeting him earlier that day, she felt a strange connection to him, as if they were bound by something beyond their control.

Slowly, Rafe drew her closer, his lips descending upon hers in a tender and gentle kiss. Delia's mind reeled with a whirlwind of emotions as she surrendered to the intoxicating sensation.

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