
Little White Lie


I was so humiliated.

I could not believe that Nathaniel had caused such a scene at Jude’s house! I mean a fire at a dinner party? Someone could have been hurt! And to top it off, he was drunk!

Like slurring his words drunk.

“Nathaniel, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?” I demanded. “You tried to burn down Jude’s house?”

“It was an accident, Will, I swear! I was just talking to Anya.”

“About what?”

“She was crying and shit cuz Jude is an asshole.”

“No Nathaniel, you have no right to call him that! He invited you into his home, was very kind to you and you almost burnt his house down!”

“Jeez, it was just a curtain Willow.” Nathaniel slurred.

“I cannot believe how drunk you are right now, Nathaniel! You promised me no more drunken fuck ups!” I exclaimed.

“Well I’m sorry I’m not perfect like Jude!”

“I can’t talk to you when you’re like this!”

“If it makes you feel any better, I really hate me right now. More than you do.” He mumbled.

“I don’t-ugh! I don’t hate you, Nat
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